I tried...

So I just took a 4,000 shilling Boda ride to an internet cafe so I could upload some pictures/videos from Sudan, but when I got here I realized I left my camera cable back at the place I'm staying. (longest sentence ever)

And I didn't even need to say anything... but know that the effort was made. Until tomorrow

1 Comment:

  1. Janis said...
    John, thanks for trying to email pictures from Sudan. As you learned, working in Sudan is not easy.

    A whole generation has grown up living off humanitarian aid with no education. Two other generations have been impacted by civil war in the country for 40 of the last 50 years. Sudanese have had to flee the country, and traditions have not been passed down to maintain livelihoods.

    Thanks for traveling to Sudan. The heat and rainy season just make lack of electricity and infrastructure more exhausting. Few people are willing to make the journey you did.

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