10 days ago

* before anything, know that I'm not one of those people who goes on a 'mission trip' and gets all attached and emotional about 'the babies' or anything like that... not my style.

Anyways, 10 days ago I was worried about Peacemaker (sweet name), James and Bright. For whatever reasons, they've been orphaned and now live on the streets of Vic Falls, Zimbabwe.

(Peacemaker, left. Bright, right. James, top.)

You might be aware that Zimbabwe is in a huge economic crisis. If you weren't, now you are. People there can't afford to buy anything... and because they, like so many other countries, have become dependent on commercial farming/food production... they don't know how to farm on their own.

That being said, about 10 days ago I was fully consumed with thoughts of how I, we, humanity, could help these people. And now I'm fully consumed with thoughts of sound systems, lighting, video and order of service for a church plant. And by fully consumed, I mean partially, because I'm also thinking a lot about a new pair of boots, working at Starbucks, working on my spanish, wake boarding, and camping... and the list goes on.

There are a couple of folks from Rose of Charity that have moved to Vic Falls to work with the street kids. One of their goals was to provide adequate schooling for 8 of the boys-- they've hired a part-time teacher, bought the kids pencils, paper etc and drive them to their lessons three times a week. I asked Bright if I could take a picture of one of his journal entries-- he said sure... here it is:


p.s. if you're keeping up at all with the 'power sharing talks' going on between the current Zimbabwean government (ZANU-PF) and the primary opposition (MDC), here's an article I missed... maybe you did too: http://english.aljazeera.net/news/africa/2008/08/2008814115357679670.html


  1. Annie said...
    John! I had no idea what you were up to lately - I am so glad you found my blog!

    Wow, in Africa. Can't say that surprises me.

    That story about peacemaker and the others was very touching. My close friend lives in Korea with her military husband and I am helping her by shipping a bunch of school supplies to her for an orphanage there. I wish I could do more. I wish I could go out and change the world.

    I am so glad you are out there changing the world!
    rsctt603 said...
    thanks fro reminding us all about the bigger picture..



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