
This morning/afternoon was spent at an awesome HIV/AIDS clinic. It's the Mildmay Hospital of Uganda... they test visitors for hiv/aids and give palliative care for those who test positive (treating more than 450 per day). Before today I had never been to an aids clinic... it was pretty wild. I'm still not sure what feelings I felt when looking at a group of 100 people waiting in line for their test results-- parents/adults looking so nervous, ashamed and sad, and little kids running around laughing because they had no idea why they were there. Overall, the clinic was amazing-- wonderful facilities and great staff. Another observation-- when tickled, little kids with HIV/AIDS laugh just as much as those without :)

We ended up not being able to film, because very few children at this clinic have consent from their parents to be photographed/filmed.

Soooo... that was my day today. Tomorrow we leave to go up country (Nebbi) and live in the sticks for a few days. No power or running water etc...We'll be back to Kampala on Sunday afternoon/evening.

God is good.


Hey Mary (sister), I saw some awesome stuff that I was gonna tell you in a Facebook message, but decided to show you...

p.s., I'm not really spending any time at all making these videos... and I'm a little embarrassed putting stuff up that's so poorly edited/put together... buuuut, here it is anyways :)


Last edit on this post... and last post until Sunday. Just wanted to share an interesting experience I had tonight... So apparently grasshoppers are a delicacy in Uganda. So naturally when I heard this I ran outside, found a boda boda and we looked for 20 minutes around the city of Kampala for someone selling them. After lots of searching, we scored at Cabalagaba (red light pun intended... bad joke, sorry) and rode off with 1kilogram of g'hoppers. Back at the house we warmed them up over a charcoal grill and ate them like popcorn shrimp. I'm not sure how to explain the taste... Maybe like crunchy Long John Silver? -- I've only eaten there once, but from what I remember, grasshoppers taste like LJS. Aannnnd... that's it... I need to get my pack packed and get some sleep (I also need to floss, because I have grasshopper shell stuck between my lower back molars... gross)

1 Comment:

  1. Unknown said...
    Hi John. I just spoke with your mum and she recommended this page.
    Long not seen, so it was good to see and hear you though this blog.
    I am proud of you. God bless your work and the work of the whole team - HE may take care of you!
    Much love, Friedolf

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