Big boy

On Thursday I had a meeting with some folks from Sudan Sunrise in Kansas City. I arrived at their office a few minutes before the scheduled time and met the wonderful Janis Ricker. She's been lining Sam and me up with contacts so that we'll be able to get into Sudan. Anyways, shortly after Janis and I sat down and began talking, a short white man, followed by a regular sized Sudanese man came walking into the room-- and behind them came the tallest man I've ever seen. His name is Manute Bol... I had never heard of him, but apparently he's a known NBA player. Check him out here:

Sooo, it looks like we'll be staying in his village, Turalie, with Manute-- his uncle is apparently the chief of the village?

Following that adventure, I headed back to Manhattan and had dinner with the Nordts... wooonderful people. Unknowingly, they helped me fulfill a dream I've had for the last 8 years-- riding 4-wheelers on the Flint Hills. That's right. Look at this picture and imagine riding a 4wheeler at about 150mph all over the place:


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