Be a Sally

Early to Mid-90's anyone? Remember all the commercials about starving children in Somalia? You couldn't get through an episode of Where In The World Is Carmon Sandiego without seeing Sally Struthers chubby little face, holding 2 year old with flies all over her face, talking about the need to support/feed the hungry in Somalia. And amen for that.

I in no way am praising Sally Struthers in her humanitarian efforts, but she and whatever organization she was with certainly did one thing well: create awareness.

Awareness in and of itself isn't much, but it's the first step in creating action. And action saves lives, feeds people and changes the world.

Never before has communicating to the masses been so possible, as it is today. Thanks to YouTube, Flickr, Twitter and social networking sites like Facebook, anyone with a camera and computer can share with the world any thing she/he pleases. And in effect, I feel somewhat obligated to be a Sally- creating awareness... but for the purpose of action.


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