Oh Hale

In t-minus 30 minutes, I'll begin my fling with Hale Library. Ibhave 15 pages due by 2:00 a.m..

On a completely different note, MySpace has crept back into my life. And in that, I've been finding so many old friends from high school. Its so strange/great/sad to see where people are and what they've been doing (or haven't been doing). In many ways, I feel like I completely ditched out on a number of people by moving to Manhattan... But if I hadn't, I guess I wouldn't be where I am now... and most likely nor in the position to share any sort of hope with them...

So, cheers to change.

1 Comment:

  1. rachel rianne said...
    hey john.
    it's rachel bain.

    just wanted to let you know that i've heard a bit about your great african adventure, and i'm excited to hear more as it progresses.


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