Easter... Oh, Easter.

What a day. For most people in the church programming world, the Monday after Easter Sunday is much like the day after Christmas-- amazing. relaxing. relieving. etc.

I, however, am not a part of the aforementioned 'most.' Buuut, I'd just like acknowledge the fact that while most people are worried about how they'll look in their Easter dress, or dapper searsucker suit... those in the ministry, particularly church programming, have been planning this day/weekend for weeks, if not months, and feel more pressure to perform than any other time of year. So hats off to you, Mr. Church Programmer... xoxo.

That being said, today was great. The music & media went smoothly at UCC. Amen for great musicians and techies.

Sam prepared a HUGE Easter lunch dinner. It was fantastic. Thank you, Sam.

Anyways, that's about it. Be sure to check out www.WhatDoTheyNeed.net and look at the Journey page... we're working on it... should be up and finished by tomorrow evening.


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