Too tired

I feel obligated to post, but I'm too tired.

I woke up this morning and forgot to ask myself "What are you going to do to serve someone else today?" -- and more importantly, I didn't do anything for anyone else. Lame.

This will not be the case tomorrow. My alarm is set for 8:00 a.m., and after I hit snooze a couple times, I will be asking the above question. -- and more importantly, I will do something for someone else. Sweet.

.... and not "sweet," as in, "wow, it's hip to serve people and to do something selfless for humanity," but sweet as in "we're supposed to serve the people around us [period]"... and we're supposed to do what we're supposed to do.

Meh, I'm completely rambling. It's so late right now.

So I'll leave you with the question I'll be asking myself in five hours: How are you going to serve someone else today? (or tomorrow?)

ps: time stamp says something like 1 a.m., but it's really 3:17 a.m.


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