From 11 to 1

In the same way that the secrets of the island on Lost will never be discovered, no person will ever be able to explain what happens to time between 11pm and 1am. I think it has to do with gravity and quantum physics or something. I was just looking at my computer clock, reading a few blogs and before I knew, it was now... is now. And now it is precisely 2hrs and 2 minutes from the time it said 11:00. Anyways..

Today was a 'zero caffiene' day... which means a couple of things:
- less energy
- less motivation
- irritable
- pessimistic

However you look at it, when there's an absence of caffiene, my cognitive abilities are impaired. I unfairly approach people and situations slanted and my initial thoughts to anything are generally negative. I'm by no means pawning off responsibility for anything... just explaining the situation. In that, scripture is very clear that we are to use wise judgement and to be sober minded. We generally just assume that means not to drink too much alcohol (which it certainly does mean), but I dont believe we can compartmentalize what substances we allow to affect our cognition. Meaning, because caffeine is a socially acceptable addiction, that doesn't make it right. In the same way, 'puppy love' encourages irrational decisions, anger promotes words best left unsaid etc etc etc ... I think Paul has it dead on where he tells us to beat our body and make it our slave... And... that's all I've got.


I wrote all this last night on my phone and forgot to publish it. So this is a day late... and there will be a new post tonight.


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