Worth your time...

time is a funny currency. Something that might be worth my time, certainly might not be worth yours. And this is a wonderful thing. Its the reason one person won't watch TV at all-- because its a waste of time. And its the reason I'll watch 3 hours of videos on YouTube. If there were absolutes in valuing time, we'd all be doing the same things, and not sing the same things. Anyways, something to think about.

In that, today Sam, Josh, and I drove to Edmond, Oklahoma to visit LifeChurch. 9 hours of driving time for a 1 hour service... and it was worth my time.

And one more thought... If you have a minute, read through Luke 15. After reading the first two parables, try putting yourself in the place if the shepard and the widow and ask yourself if you'd say looking for the sheep or coin is worth your time.


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